4-H History Website Visitors

4-HHistoryPreservation.com Visitor TallyThree years ago on September 10, 2011, the National 4-H History Preservation website started using a visitor counter. This counter does not tally up “hits” on the site, but displays the actual number of visitors to the site. Your History website has had over 78,000 visitors from the United States with California residents visiting 5,373 times, followed by Ohio with 4,174 and Texas with 3,900. International visitors came from 147 countries! We’re proud of this outreach as it indicates that people are interested in 4-H History, and we look forward to increasing those numbers in the next few months.

We encourage states which have 4-H websites to help promote 4-H history to visitors to your local site by adding a link to the national history site. Graphic link banners are available at
